Fallout 4 change armor color
Fallout 4 change armor color

fallout 4 change armor color

If I mssed anything you can look at how the combat armor colors are aplied to see how they do it if you need a reference. Hopefully this helps you, I wrote it quickly while I`m at work. Now load the game and go to the armor bencdh and you should have a color slot now named vaultsuitcolors that you can assign tatxutes to from there. Make sure you add your keywords and ma keywords to any items you amde and delete the origianl ones from it so only your custom ones are on the items. Add your new object mod to it and delete the rest and rename it mod_col_vaultsuit_colors and save it. Now go to the Mod_col section and find a combat armor set, legs, chest,arms, ect, ande open it. Now the useinfo box that popped up wil show a co_mod so click on that and another box will pop up and select your item in the scrolldown and rename it like co_mod_vaultsuit_blue and save it. Change the material to use yours and save it as like mod_vaultsuit_blue and save it. you only want to keep the material change option. Now open up the armor part and youll see all the little things in the box.

fallout 4 change armor color fallout 4 change armor color

Right click on it and select useinfo and when the box pops up, leave it to the side. Next step is go into the obkect mods section and look up one of the combat armor oarts that match whatever you want to use it for, arms, chest, legs, ect. Now open up your armor you want to have this go to and add the ma name to it. VaultSuitColors keyword and ma_vaultsuit colors. You will need to create a keyword and an ma for the item. So now you have an armor addon that has the color you want. Once you have the color changed save that armor addon as another one just put the color added into ID. Here you can assign your bgsm files to change the color. Hit the button for the model and youll see the mesh come up and you`ll see the bgsm files associated with it. Open up an armor and find the armor addon for the part you want to change the color of. Let`s just say VaultSuit_Blue for example. So find one that matches either cloth or hard surfaces in the archive and put your textures into it and save it to whatever you waqnt to name it. Open one up and look how the textures are in the mat file. In your fallout 4 folder you will see a tools folder with the archive editor so you can extract the material files from the material achive.

Fallout 4 change armor color